A black and white drawing of two people in the shape of a heart.

Welcome to our specialty bath and deshedding unit!

Andrew specializes in care for the skin, coat and nails for all your pups needs. We highly encourage (but do not require) being on a monthly maintenance schedule. It significantly reduces anxiety and if your furry family member is on a 4-week schedule daily annoyances and concerns like shedding, long nails, and dog smell are no longer “a way of life”. Our all-inclusive model ensures that every furry family member gets everything they need, INCLUDED, every time. To make an appt. or if you have any questions let us know at 303-246-8466 (texting is preferred and most efficient).


Shedding can vary dramatically. For some it’s minor and not much of an issue. For most, it’s a problem for clothes, floors, couches and HVAC systems. Getting your furry family bathed by Andrew monthly reduces shedding up to 90%!

Nail and Skin Care

Getting your dogs nails trimmed and grinded every 4 weeks not only prevents them from getting longer but will actually, over time, shorten them to their ideal length. To shorten the vein in the nail they need to be done monthly.

We also customize your dogs shampoo/ conditioner specifically them. Wither that’s an argon oil and vitamin D treatment for the itchy pups or a pro keratin moisturizing solution for dry skin their specific needs will be taken care of.

Health Benefits

Not only will your pup always look fresh and smell good but they get a full skin, coat, paw, ear, and teeth inspection. We spot new concerns as they arise quickly. A regularly professionally bathed dog has on average a longer lifespan. We also make sure to keep them tangle and matt free for a healthy coat!


We recommend (but do not require) being on a maintenance reoccurring schedule of 4-6 weeks in order to benefit from more favorable scheduling. Pets on a 4-6 week schedule benefit most because grooming becomes a regular part of life and causes less stress. We make sure to take all the time your pet needs to feel their most comfortable and relaxed. It also helps to prevent matting, maintain short nails and follows their natural skin cycle. A 4-6 week schedule ensures that your pup always looks and smells fresh and never “overdue”. Each service is highly customized for each pet and their specific needs.

Pricing is just an estimate until Andrew gets to know your pups and their individual conditions, needs and temperaments. The 6 categories are as follows.

SHORT HAIR ( Pugs, labs, boxers, bull dogs, beagles etc)

Chamomile $85-95 Pups in this category are usually under 35lbs. and are often on reoccurring schedules.

Eucalyptus $95-120 Pups in this category are usually over 36-60lbs. Pups may also fall here if they are smaller but require a little extra TLC due to medical condition or anxiety etc. and are often on reoccurring schedules.

Lavender- $120+ Pups here are over 60lbs and/or require a little extra care. This may be due to medical condition or anxiety etc.

LONG HAIR/DOUBLE COAT (Huskies, australian shepherds, german shepherds, collies, goldens, poodles etc.)

Chamomile $100-130 Pups in this category are usually under 40lbs and are often on reoccurring schedules.

Eucalyptus -$130-160 Pups in this category are usually over 40-60lbs. Pups may also fall here if they are smaller but require a little extra TLC due to medical condition or anxiety etc. and are often on reoccurring schedules.

Lavender $160+ Pups here are over 60lbs and/or require a little extra care. This may be due to medical condition or anxiety etc.